The Process.
I Start By Focusing On the Outcomes
To Increase Your Business Income.
The Process Starts with a Value Proposition
and a Vision of What You Want for Your Future.
The output is a Plan to Get You There.
We’ve all been there. Beating our heads against the wall of a problem, still using the same tools that created it, knowing in our bones that a solution exists somewhere but we can’t quite see it. The truth is that without an outside perspective and new tools, that wall will never move. A process is required to get ourselves out of our own way and back on the path to success and profitability.
The Value Prop Distillery is a process that evolved over many years and many projects that hit this wall – and then powered through to the finish line. The process begins with distilling the core value proposition of a project, company, or individual down to the mission-critical parts, creating a reality-based framework to make good decisions about goals and the best path to success.
Contact us for a complimentary Value Proposition Distillery Session.
Business Success In The U.S. Can Be Hard.
U.S. Businesses Open Annually
U.S. Businesses Fail Within One Year
U.S. Businesses Fail Within 10 Years
SOURCE: Data from the US Census Bureau
Succeeding Takes A Plan.
“If you want to get to the heart of your underlying business issues, then Zach’s ‘Value Proposition Distillery Process’ will be of enormous benefit to you. I had the pleasure of conducting such a session with Zach. He takes you through a journey of understanding your key pain points, before looking to find solutions to these problems. The end outcome is a series of measurables that will give you a new strategic direction. We were fortunate to find many short-term gains that can have an immediate impact on the business. I would have no hesitation in recommending Zach’s services at all.”
“Zach will help you create a compelling vision of the future which is critical when planning out the next steps in your business. He’ll back it up with strategic, actionable items to bring you into this future. Then he’ll see the job through until you’re living the defined outcomes that you’ve created together. Zach helped us identify the key roles in our business that needed support to free up the critical time required to advance our business to the next level of growth. If you’re feeling stuck or you’ve maxed out your current resources, I highly recommend reaching out to Borderless Business Solutions. They have the knowledge, the experience and the resources to support you in the development of your business.”
“[The process] helped me distill down and find my most genuine and strategically relevant value proposition relative to the project at hand. The process filled in blind spots, and revealed new perspectives and possibilities. His patience and diligence helped me understand my most powerful professional self and how to effectively deliver these skills to healthcare organizations.”
“Zach was so helpful in helping me find “superhero” qualities about myself by applying his Pivot Point Distillery Process. It’s a modified gap analysis done on a whiteboard. He helped extract the essence of what my value is to an organization, breaking it free from preconceived terminology notions. I now have a purified center of clarity about my professional background and experience that I can apply to future opportunities.”
Let's Grow!
Schedule a 30-minute virtual meeting to discuss your U.S. market expansion situation with Zach. Whether we work together or not, you'll walk away with helpful insights.
This meeting will be held via Zoom.
Expanding and Scaling Takes Planning.
“People know what they want. But they don't always know what they need.”
- Zach Person